
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

2008 Weenie Awards: Best Huntington Hot Dog (City Division)

Knuckle's Sandwich Co. is one of Huntington's newest hot dog joints and, thanks to a careful attention to detail, they are one of the best.

In terms of buns, they have skipped the debate altogether and allow Huntington's savvy hot dog connoisseurs the choice of a traditional or New England split-top bun. In an age where so many chain restaurants treat customers like animals at the feed lot, it is great to see a place give me just a little credit.

With weenies, though, they have made a choice for the customers. They serve a blended beef 'n pork dog that does not, like some fancier all-beef jobbies, butt its way to the front of the flavor profile.

The sauce is so delicious that it sails past "great" into the range of the sublime. They could get rich selling this stuff from Portsmouth to Webster Springs. When paired with their understated slaw, they manage to stay true to the concept of a West Virginia Hot Dog while also honoring the quirks of the local market (where it is all about the sauce).

Congratulations to Knuckle's Sandwich Company, makers of the best WV hot dog in the City of Huntington.

Hey, wait a minute...didn't owner Jarrod Queen's brother Teddy just win the same award for Chucktown?

Stanton has observed that the Queens might be the new first family of hot dogs in WV. I think he is right.


  1. Should we now call them the Royal Family of WV Hot Dogs?

  2. Am I happy that there is new blood in the Huntington HDJ gene pool, or am I sad that Midway didn't win, despite rising from the dead? I don't know how to feel...

  3. Speaking of Knuckles, if you're looking for something other to eat there than hotdogs (which are indeed awesome) Jarrod Queen recently added a Cuban-style barbecue sandwich which is to die for.

  4. Cuban, eh?

    Are they anything like those cigars that I most certainly do not smoke the first thing whenever I go to Canada or Europe?


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