
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Calling Chris James!!!!

New sign I saw in Huntington this week:

No more excuses, Diet Boy.

I expect a full report by Monday!


  1. 2 points:

    1. I ain't touching a low fat hot dog with a 10 foot stick. Sacrilege!

    2. I find Frostop's new insistence that I order from a "waiter" rather than the window to be obnoxious. It feels like they are extorting me for tip money to make up for the fact that they don't want to pay the carhops more than $2.13 an hour.

  2. Those of you out there with children...gather them around the screen so that you can show them the embodiment of an oxymoron.

  3. I think a low-fat hot dog is the antithesis of a WV Hot Dog.


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