
Monday, May 26, 2008

Vandalia Gathering Hot Dogs

The Vandalia Gathering is the big Memorial Day weekend party thrown by the W. Va. Department of Culture and History each year on the grounds of the Capitol. You can read about it in this post from the Charlestonian Blog.

The Kiwanis Club of Charleston always has the hot dog concession for the festival. Normally I don't review hot dogs from festivals and church sales and other such temporary HDJs, but since the Kiwanis are there year after year selling the same hot dogs I thought I'd go ahead and give it a shot.

Despite including ketchup on an "everything" dog, the Kiwanis seem fairly serious about offering a decent hot dog. The chili seems to be home made and not bought in bulk (although it tastes a little too much like DQ Coney Souce to be called "good") and the slaw seems to be homemade (but won't be winning any prizes). The weenie is tasty and larger than your average HDJ weenie.

If I were giving this hot dog a serious rating, it might garner a 3 Weenie score. Since Vandalia is supposed to showcase the culture of our state I wish that they had a better hot dog to offer to visitors.


  1. I am sure that no bun steaming took place with the limited infrastructure.

  2. I want to feed Kobayashi of the food fighter this hot dog.And I support your site. If there is time, please come in my site. From Japan

  3. Are the Kiwanis threatening to sue you unless you retract your review?

  4. You see, I can never get past the "chicken cordon bleu on a stick" vendors at the Vandalia. Then the roasting ears call me.

    There was someone at Regatta a few years ago who had these spicy hotdogs with sourkraut. They were wonderful.

  5. Bb, I had those too. They were wonderful till the heartburn kicked in. But then again, isn't that why you eat hot dogs?


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