Resistance is Futile
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WV Hot Dogs facebook page
A place to discuss the uniquely delectable gift from heaven known as the West Virginia Hot Dog.
For those of you who are facebook users (is there anyone left out there who isn't?) become a fan of West Virginia Hot Dogs on that insidious social media platform.
WV Hot Dogs facebook page
Posted by
11:11 AM
Welcome to the W.Va. Hot Dog Blog!
This blog contains Hot Dog Joint reviews from around West Virginia and serves as a discussion board for those reviews, as well as providing a space for general discussion of West Virginia Hot Dogs.
A true West Virginia hot dog is a heavenly creation that begins with a wiener on a soft steamed bun. Add mustard, a chili-like sauce and top it off with coleslaw and chopped onions and you have a symphony of taste that quite possibly is the reason that many transplanted West Virginians can never really be happy living anywhere else. Different parts of West Virginia have variations on the theme but the common elements are sweet, creamy coleslaw and chili. Anything else is just not a true West Virginia hot dog!
Is this going to be like the 3 hours you were on Twitter?
If so, I had better hurry up because you won't be on Facebook for long...
Yes, it is true that I had a very short run with Twitter the first time around, but I recovered. I usually figure out my mistakes and then act appropriately to correct them. For example, if I were to fall into the habit of reviewing chain restaurants and far away eating places in violation of my blog's stated purpose, I am sure I would be smart enough to realize my error and make a change...
Oh, sorry..
Hot Dog! I love responses that give as good as they get! Yep, you sure can cut the mustard! I doubt those fork you people can ketchup. I relish watching this, and will congratulate the wiener!
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