Thursday, August 24, 2006

Slaw Mapping Expedition & Dairy Queen Hot Dog Theory

I was able to venture north this week and do some closer investigation of the "slaw line" phenomenon. I have virtually pinpointed where the line crosses the I79 corridor - more on that tomorrow. I also sampled a few hot dogs up north and have several interesting reviews to post over the weekend.

But I also noticed something very interesting about Dairy Queens. I am still researching this theory, but I am close to something big; almost cosmic. I'll call it the "DQ Indicator" and it might be the single best criterion on which to base future slaw mapping. I think I'll be able to flesh out the theory over the weekend and have a thesis posted early next week.

Sorry for the teasers but I'm a little road-weary and don't feel much like blogging tonight.

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