Charleston HDJ Review - Intermezzo Cafe
The $130 million
1. It cost way too much money to build and the shows it hosts cost way too much.
2. While it looks pretty good, the overall quality of what is inside runs from really bad to mediocre.
3. Because of the poor value it provides the community, it leaves a bad taste in people’s mouths
But enough complaining. Inside the patrons. Of course, hot dogs must be on the menu or it wouldn’t be here.
Let me say right from the start that the hot dogs are not good for the following reasons:
- They cost way too much money ($3.00!)
- While it looked pretty good, what was inside the bun ran from really bad (the weenie) to mediocre (the chili),
- It left a bad taste in my mouth.
Seriously though, the hot dog started with a weenie that was quite possible the single worst weenie in the history of It was so overcooked on one of those hot dog rollers that it was like it was wrapped in leather. It had the chewiness quotient of a Slim Jim but without the taste.
The bun it was on had some promise, being a bit above average in size and a little more substantial that the basic HDJ fare, but it was served stone cold. The chili had some interesting flavor, but the slaw did nothing to compliment it and was virtually tasteless. The mustard was do it yourself from the condiment rack.
I thought long and hard about what to score this train wreck of a hot dog. The chili might warrant a 2 Weenie rating, but I really feel like this is something that shouldn't be eaten by humans and if I were to score it with a positive integer that it might induce some person to risk his or her life, or worse, the safety of their children. This is a bad, bad hot dog . 0.0 Weenies
Maybe we need a WV Hot Dog Hall of Shame: The Clay Center, the Teays Valley FoodLand, and The Big Loafer in the Huntington Mall can be early favorites for induction.
People complain about the Clay Center? It's one of the only decent things going in this city. I wouldn't go there for a hot dog, especially after reading this, but it's got a lot to offer that you're not going to find anywhere else. People around here seem to really enjoy complaining though, so who am I to say differently...
I wouldn't have expected anything less from the Clay Center.
Maybe if it was served by some outdated Adult Contemporary star from the 70's it would taste a litle better...or maybe not.
Don't feel too bad, guys. They were going to cost $4.95, but a large chunk of state lottery money has been subsidizing this one HDJ.
Sadly, the pathetic hot dog is the only thing most people can afford while visiting the Clay Center, especially if you have your kids to feed.
The last time I checked, I wasn't about to pay over $7 for a really tiny salad.
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